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About Schewe Library: Disaster & Emergency Response

Policy Statement

This policy outlines Schewe Library’s disaster and emergency response procedures. Schewe Library’s foremost priority in all emergency or disaster scenarios is to safeguard human life, followed by the protection of the library building and property. 

Illinois College Disaster & Emergency Response Policies

Schewe Library adheres to all of Illinois College’s disaster and emergency response policies, which include: crimes, medical emergencies, tornadoes & severe weather, fire & evacuation, earthquakes, utility failures, shelter-in-place, bomb threats, hazardous spills, and active shooter.  Please see Illinois College’s emergency procedures for further details.

Library Response Procedures

Schewe Library has facility-specific responses to emergencies. Employees are not expected to put themselves in danger in order to carry out the following procedures:


  • Activate the nearest fire alarm pull box

  • Do not attempt to put out the fire unless it is small and you can put it out using a fire extinguisher without jeopardizing your personal safety 

  • Evacuate the building

    • Clear the patrons from each floor

    • Close doors as you exit rooms or evacuate down the stairwell so as to deprive the fire of oxygen

    • Do not use the elevator

    • Do not attempt to save possessions at the risk of personal injury

    • Whichever librarian or student worker is closest, grab the Emergency First Aid bag and take it outside with you

  • Lights should be left on to provide additional visibility for the Fire Department

  • Do not remain in the ground floor foyers or corridors during a fire alarm or emergency

  • During the emergency, library employees waiting outside the building can help by informing approaching people not to enter the building

  • Meet on the Quad

    • Individuals should stay 50 feet clear of the entrance once they have evacuated the building 

  • Call 911


  • Evacuate the building

  • Do not use the elevator, instead use stairways to exit the building

  • Call 911

  • It is most likely that a flood would primarily threaten the library collection. In this case, after the danger has passed and when it is safe to do so, items should be moved out of the range of the water to an appropriate recovery area as quickly as possible, and should be spread out to dry. 

  • If there is flooding near electronic devices, avoid the risk of electric shock and DO NOT TOUCH the devices. Call for assistance from appropriate emergency personnel.


  • When a tornado siren is heard, everyone in the library should proceed to the southwest corner of the basement by the study carrels.

  • Do not go outside

  • Whichever librarian or library worker is closes will grab the Emergency First Aid bag

  • Wait until an all clear signal is given


  • Stay in the building

  • Take shelter in place under a heavy desk or bench or in a doorway or narrow corridor

  • Stay away from windows, mirrors, overhead fixtures, filing cabinets, bookcases, and electrical equipment

  • Do not attempt to leave the building, as exit stairwells may have collapsed or be jammed with people

After the earthquake has stopped:

  • Remain alert for aftershocks

  • Grab the Emergency First Aid bag and take it outside with you

  • Assist those who have been trapped or injured by falling debris if safe to do so

  • Do not move seriously injured persons unless they are in obvious, immediate danger (of fire, building collapse, etc.)

  • Evacuate the building if safe to do so and take patrons to the Quad

  • Do not re-enter the building until it has been declared structurally sound

Emergency Contact Numbers