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About Schewe Library: Community Patrons

Policy Statement  

Schewe Library is open Monday-Friday from 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. for members of the public -- including patrons from other Illinois institutions -- to engage in activities associated with the use of an academic library.  These activities typically include reading, writing, researching, and studying.  As the primary mission of Schewe Library is to support the students, faculty, and staff of Illinois College, public patrons must be mindful of the needs of the aforementioned groups and adhere to the policy guidelines outlined below.

Public Research Areas

  • Public patrons are welcome to use all 3 floors of Schewe Library, provided they observe the posted noise guidelines on each floor. 

Internet Access

  • Guests are welcome to utilize a guest login for WiFi on their personal devices. 

  • Ask for the guest WiFi at the front desk.

Private Study Rooms and Classrooms

  • Private study rooms and classrooms are only available for Illinois College students, faculty, and staff.

Borrowing Privileges

  • Public patrons who reside in Illinois, are over 18-years of age, and who hold a valid photo ID may be issued a community borrower card, which grants limited borrowing privileges at Schewe Library.

  • Borrowing privileges are also extended to students, faculty, and staff whose home libraries are members of the Consortium of Academic & Research Libraries in Illinois (CARLI).

  • Public patrons not falling into the above two groups are eligible to use materials within the Schewe Library building, but will not be extended borrowing privileges.


  • Noise must be kept at a reasonable level.

  • Talking loudly or making noise that disturbs other library patrons is prohibited.

  • Mobile phones should be silenced within the library and phone conversations should be conducted outside the library building.

Food & Drink

  • Food and drink are permitted in the library.  Please refer to the Food, Drink, & Tobacco policy for further details.


Public patrons may not engage in behavior which results in health or safety risks, property damage, or nuisance to other library patrons or staff.  The following is a non-exhaustive list of behaviors which are prohibited for public patrons when using Schewe Library:

  • Threatening to commit or committing violence.

  • Sexual harassment.

  • Verbal abuse.

  • Bringing weapons into the library.

  • Intoxication.

  • Smoking, vaping, or chewing tobacco in the library or within 15 feet of the library building.

  • Making excessive noise and/or failing to abide by the noise guidelines set out on each library floor.

  • Arguing, fighting, or otherwise creating a detrimental environment to the work of other patrons.

  • Damaging or vandalizing library property.

  • Impeding the use of the library by other patrons or library faculty or staff.

  • Refusing to leave the library at closing time or when requested to by library personnel.

  • Viewing pornographic, violent, or hateful content.

  • Engaging in unwanted or harassing conversations.

  • Having offensive personal hygiene or body odor which is bothering other library patrons or faculty or staff.

  • Behaving in violation of federal, state, or county law.

  • Behaving in violation of Illinois College policies vis-à-vis guests or community visitors.

  • If you are sick, please do not come to the library. 


  • Library faculty or staff will provide a warning to public patrons whose behavior violates library policy.

  • If library policy continues to be violated, library faculty or staff will contact the Illinois College Public Safety department and the public patron will be removed from the library.

  • Public patrons who have been removed from the library for policy violations are ineligible to return to the library and may be issued an order of no trespassing on the Illinois College campus.