Ruthenia.RU (in Russian) - Online depository of scholarly work on Russian 19th and early-20th century literature and culture.
The New Literary Map of Russia (in Russian) - Information about authors and scholars working in a broad variety of genres, living in Russia and abroad. Bibliographical information, full-text versions of poems and critical studies. NOTE: Does not display in Firefox or Internet Explorer.
The Periodicals Room (in Russian) - Online collection of full-text issues of major Russian literary magazines and scholarly journals in the humanities.
FarFromMoscow - a central resource cataloging new music from the post-Soviet states, hosted by the Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures at UCLA. (In English)
NEWSmusic - an internet portal containing Russian music press-releases and the archive. (In Russian)
Sreda Gorbasheva - a music blog by Aleksandr Gorbachev, a curator of a series of concerts at IKRA club dedicated the new music from Russia. (In Russian)
BandCamp - international publishing platform for musicians, offers streaming music on-line, real-time statistics, and geo-tagging. (In English)
PROMODJ - a publishing platform for Russian DJs and musicians, allows streaming music on-line, real-time statistics and search by place or region. (In Russian)
Russia Today - The first Russian 24/7 English-language news channel which brings the Russian view on global news. (In English) - A free compilation of 90 TV channels from Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, TV shows archive for the past 20 days, top-rated radio stations and printed news.