This page will help you navigate basic Schewe Library resources, as well as give you specific call numbers and databases related to the topics covered in HI 211.
Schewe Library is organized by the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system. The following call numbers will help you find books related to class topics.
African American History: 973.0496 (upper floor)
Black Americans: political and civil rights : 323.1196 (lower floor)
Slavery: 306.362 (lower floor)
Slave trade: 381.44 (lower floor)
Fugitive enslaved people and the Underground Railroad: 973.7115 (upper floor)
Emancipation: 326.8 (lower floor)
Abolition movement: 973.7114 (upper floor)
United States history: 973 (upper floor)
West African history: 966 (upper floor)
Central African history: 967 (upper floor)
African American History
African Americans -- History -- To 1863
African American women-- History
Antislavery movements -- United States
Underground Railroad
United States -- History -- Civil War, 1861-1865 -- Participation, African American