We have over 70 databases available for use here at Schewe Library, ranging from general use databases to those focused on a single subject; each one works a little bit differently. Most databases allow you to perform a simple keyword search or limit your query in special ways.
For specific databases, we have instructions that will help you to navigate the following:
Of course, we have many databases than we do sets of instruction. If you are having trouble finding materials in any database in particular, please contact us at the library! We will be happy to help.
Remember to make good use of search filters! You can apply filters to narrow the range of your search by either using a database's "Advanced Search" function (if it has one), or by selecting specific filters after making a search. Filters can usually be found on either the left or right side of your search results under a heading reading something like "Refine Results" or "Limit To."
Some common filters are the "full text" option - which allows you to discover only items where IC users have full text access, and the "Scholarly (Peer Reviewed) Articles" only check box (which does exactly what you would expect it to do).
Other filters that may be available include date of publication (often applied as a range), geographic location (useful if you only want results dealing with a certain country or part of the world), publisher or producing company, and many other options.
Most databases tend to share a number of the same search tricks as you can use in our VuFind catalog.
Using boolean operators -- these are simple words (AND, OR, NOT) used as conjunctions to combine or exclude keywords in a search, resulting in more focused and productive results. This should save time and effort by eliminating inappropriate hits that must be scanned before discarding.