Some reference titles for research in English:
Below are some recommended databases for research in English and literature. If you are having trouble finding articles, see our Finding Articles guide, or ask a librarian for help!
The best place to find books in English literature is in the Schewe Library Catalog or in the library on the shelves in the 800-899 range on the upper level (for all literatures and criticism). If you are having trouble finding more books, see our Finding Books guide. Here are some suggested titles:
American Memory - American Memory provides free and open access through the Internet to written and spoken words, sound recordings, still and moving images, prints, maps, and sheet music that document the American experience. It is a digital record of American history.
National Endowment for the Humanities - NEH is an independent grant-making agency of the United States government dedicated to supporting research, education, preservation, and public programs in the humanities.
Voices from the Gaps - Celebrating and documenting the creativity of Asian, Black, Latina, and Native women, VG is one of the internet's most comprehensive and well-respected academic databases for women artists of color. We provide innovative teaching and research tools for accessing a global community of women writers of color living and dead, obscure and renowned. The site reaches backward and forward to place readers, thinkers, students, and educators on a bridge which connects the gaps that exist in literature.
The Women Writers Project - The Women Writers Project is a long-term research project devoted to early modern women's writing and electronic text encoding.
Lexicons of Early Modern English - LEME searches and displays word-entries from monolingual English dictionaries, bilingual lexicons, technical vocabularies, and other encyclopedic-lexical works, 1480-1702.
Poetry Center Digital Archive - Poetry Center Digital Archive makes available significant portions of early audio recordings from the Poetry Center's American Poetry Archives collection, supplemented by select archival texts and images. New files will be added incrementally as recordings are prepared and as we proceed through the collection from the 1950s onward.
Poetry Foundation - The Poetry Foundation, publisher of Poetry magazine, is an independent literary organization committed to a vigorous presence for poetry in our culture. It exists to discover and celebrate the best poetry and to place it before the largest possible audience.
Talk to your professor or look in your syllabus to determine which citation style you should use.
English articles most often use MLA or Chicago styles. You can find more information on these styles in the Schewe Library citation guide.